Advergames by Core X Group

We love advergaming!

You can reach the masses with advergames.

Four out of five smartphone owners have played a game on their device and 46% of them play games on a daily basis. “Gamers” include boys, girls, kids, parents, adults and people from all different backgrounds. Approximately 65% of total online time is spent on smartphones and tablets—and 32% of total mobile time is spent on games.

Games are the perfect medium for advertising. 
Integrate games into your marketing mix and engage your target audience.

For more than 15 years our team has developed advergames for clients like Vodafone, Fiat, Deutsche Bahn and Nickelodeon. Contact us to take advantage of this dynamic and engaging advertising environment.

Reach out now!


Advergames are ideal marketing instruments

  • Games allow you to enter into a direct dialogue with your target audience

  • No other medium engages your audience more

  • An interesting game can easily captivate a player for hours

  • Good games act like magnets and attract even more players